Thursday, August 26, 2010

cargo skinnies.

There is a new fad, or I should say a repeated fad, coming for this fall and I love it. Cargo pants! They are putting a new spin on them though… cargo skinnies! I cannot wait to get a pair. I love them because they can be worn with everything that jeans can, and it just brings a little spice to the outfit because they aren’t the everyday jean.

I have seen some cute ones at Dillard’s:

I have also seen some cute ones at Forever21:

And if you really want to splurge….

This is the type outfit I would put together with them…

You can go for a more casual outfit or you can dress them up:

For more casual-

Pick your favorite pant from above and I’d put it with a shirt like this,

and i would pick a cute cardigan to go over it in a basic color… maybe in a great mustard yellow, or a pretty baby pink.

For accessories (and everyone knows I gotta have my accessories!) I’d do something simple like this:

I would roll the bottom of the cargosand put the outfit with some flats like these.

I love these flats because they would bring a great pop of color to this understated outfit.

Or unroll them and do them with some great wedges.. (yes i know how much they are...),default,pd.html

For a dressier look-

with these cargos in mind...

I'd do a shirt like this:

With some great heels like these:

And a chunky necklace like this one:

And to finish it, I’d do my hair in a loose messy bun with subtle but defining makeup... kind of like this:,,20409310_20405488_20808125,00.html

You should definitely look into getting a pair, I definitely am going to!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

simple sneakers

these shoes come is a million colors and patterns at urbanoutfitters, now for only 18dollars or 2 for 30 :) they would be really cute with a big t shirt and jean shorts or a cute casual dress. here are the links to the outfit i envision...,&navCount=518&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_SHOES_SNEAKERS&popId=WOMENS_SHOES&prepushId=&selectedProductSize=

^ these shoes would be cute with this shirt and some skinny jeans or jean shorts or this shirt tucked into the skirt in the other link below.

shoes like these would also be cute with this dress...

with a long cardigan over it.

^ this sweater would be cute with the same shoes and some type of cute shorts also :)


edgy but understated

for the fall i've noticed alot of celeb's have been sporting the tight, high bun. at first i was not a fan because i really dont like tight hair dues. but i came across this picture of vanessa hudgen's and i love how she pulled off this look. it looks loose and effortless but it is still up to date... heres a link to the picture.... CLICK HERE

i also love her makeup in the picture. it matches the hairstyle- edgy, but not over the top. its a look i'd love to rock.

'till next time...


Saturday, July 24, 2010


Abby and I met at summer beach project where we realized we have basically the same life story, the same interests and hobbies, the same taste and style, and the same outlook on beauty and well life in general. we wanted to share a blog that encouraged one another and hopefully others to see beauty in the simplest things whether it be hair and makeup on a celebrity or a photograph we took that day. everything has beauty is some sort or fashion and this blog is created to reveal beauty in even the tiniest blessings.